Thresh Champion Guide: The Ultimate Playmaking Support Guide 2024
Thresh is a versatile support champion known for his exceptional playmaking abilities since his 2013 release. His flexible kit and consistent presence across all metas make him a valuable pick in any team composition.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Q (Death Sentence): Hook and engage tool
- W (Dark Passage): Team-saving lantern
- E (Flay): Displacement and peel
- R (The Box): Area control and zoning
Skill Order Options:
- Standard Build (vs Ranged Supports):
- Max Q → W → E
- Focus on hook accuracy and shield value
- Better for teamfight utility
- Lane Dominance Build (vs Tank/Melee Supports):
- Max E → Q → W
- Stronger trading potential
- Enhanced lane control
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Zeke's Convergence
- Knight's Vow
Situational Items:
- Redemption (vs Poke)
- Randuin's Omen (vs Crit)
- Dead Man's Plate (Mobility)
- Thornmail (vs Healing)
Early Game:
- Focus on lane presence
- Look for hook opportunities
- Protect ADC with lantern
- Control brush with wards
Mid Game:
- Roam to assist other lanes
- Set up vision control
- Enable team plays with lantern
- Create pick opportunities
Late Game:
- Peel for carries
- Zone with ultimate
- Engage key targets
- Provide utility with items
Thresh excels at both engaging and peeling, making him a valuable support in any team composition. His ability to save allies with Dark Passage while threatening enemies with Death Sentence creates constant pressure and playmaking opportunities throughout the game.
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