The Ultimate Ekko Jungle Guide: Tips, Paths & Strategies
Ekko is a powerful jungler who excels at burst damage and objective control. His kit allows for aggressive plays while maintaining safety through his Ultimate (R).
Core Strengths:
- Strong early game ganking potential
- High burst damage with item scaling
- Excellent objective control
- Ability to undo mistakes with Ultimate
Key Abilities:
- W provides engage potential and CC, especially effective from fog of war
- E enables quick gap closing and mobility
- R offers safety and playmaking potential with decreasing cooldown as game progresses

Ekko blue side jungle path

Ekko boy hero with time powers
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Focus on balanced farming and ganking
- Begin ganking at level 3 with full ability rotation
- Secure early objectives when possible
Mid Game (Levels 6-11):
- Increased kill pressure after completing Mythic item
- Use Ultimate for aggressive plays and tower dives
- Focus on picking off isolated targets
- Clear vision to enable flanking opportunities
Late Game (Levels 12+):
- Stay with team for objective control
- Look for multi-target W stuns in teamfights
- Only engage with Ultimate or Zhonya's available
- Position for flanks on enemy backline
Weaknesses to Consider:
- Vulnerable to CC
- Can be bullied by ranged champions
- Requires good vision control for effective flanking
- Gold dependent - struggles when behind
Tips for Success:
- Balance farming with ganking
- Control objectives
- Flank in teamfights
- Stay near team in late game
- Coordinate picks into objectives
- Position near upcoming major objectives
- Save Ultimate for escape or burst damage
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