Syndra Mid Guide: Complete Champion Guide & High ELO Tips
Level 1-3: Focus on safe farming and poking with Q. Avoid unnecessary trades until you unlock all basic abilities.
Level 6 Power Spike: Unlock your full burst potential with Dark Sphere (R). You can now effectively execute all-in combos.
Mid Game Strategy:
- Push waves quickly to gain map pressure
- Harass enemies under tower with Q+E combo
- Set up vision to prevent ganks
- Roam to assist other lanes when possible
Late Game Focus:
- Stay with your team
- Look for picks on isolated targets
- Position safely in teamfights
- Use E defensively against assassins
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Access to full basic ability combo
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocked, major burst potential
- Level 9: Q maxed, consistent damage output
- Level 16: Maximum ultimate power

Woman wearing gold helmet
- High burst damage potential
- Strong lane control
- Effective team fight CC
- Good pick potential
- Immobile and vulnerable to ganks
- Reliant on positioning
- Susceptible to diving champions
- Weak without E (Scatter the Weak)
Team Fight Tips:
- Stay behind frontline
- Save E for self-peel
- Focus priority targets
- Use ultimate on key threats
Objective Control:
- Clear waves efficiently
- Control vision around objectives
- Zone enemies with sphere placement
- Support team sieges with long-range poke
Always maintain proper vision control and watch your positioning, as Syndra's lack of mobility makes her vulnerable to ganks and assassins.
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