Swain APC Bot Lane Guide: Advanced Tactics & Build Path for Master Returns
A versatile Battle Mage, Swain excels in the botlane role through his combination of damage, sustain, and crowd control abilities. His passive allows him to gather soul fragments from fallen champions, granting permanent health bonuses and healing effects.
Core Abilities:
- Passive: Collects soul fragments for bonus health (12 per fragment) and healing (3-6% max health)
- Q (Death's Grasp): Fires five dark bolts dealing magic damage
- W (General's Insight): Long-range area reveal and damage ability (5500-7500 range)
- E (Nevermore): Sends demonic wave that roots enemies and can pull them
- R (Demonic Wings): Drains nearby enemies' life force for sustained damage and healing

Man in black shirt headshot
Ability Order:
- Start with E for early pressure
- Prioritize Q from level 2 for wave clear
- Take W at level 4
- Max order: Q > E > W
- Take R at levels 6, 11, and 16
Build Path:
- Starting Items: Focus on mana sustainability
- Core Items: Prioritize AP items with health and defensive stats
- Essential: Complete mana item due to high mana costs
Early Game Strategy:
- Use E through minion waves to pressure enemy carry
- Farm primarily with auto attacks
- Trade with E+Q+AA combo from level 2
- Control wave position for optimal pressure
Optimal Playstyle:
- Position for maximum effect of ultimate ability
- Maintain presence in teamfights for sustained damage
- Use W for long-range vision and catch potential
- Coordinate E pulls with team follow-up
Swain's ultimate effectiveness depends on staying within range of enemy champions, with the ability to recast for additional damage and slowing effects. The demonic energy system requires strategic positioning to maintain ultimate uptime.
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