Smolder Bot Lane Runes Guide - 48.4% Win Rate in Patch 15.4
The optimal runes for Smolder in the Bot position combine Precision and Sorcery paths, currently holding a 48.4% win rate with a 41.6% pick rate across 1,726 matches in patch 15.4.
Primary Runes (Precision):
- Keystone: Fleet Footwork
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Haste
- Coup de Grace
Secondary Runes (Sorcery):
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
Strong Against:
- Kalista (54.1%)
- Kai'Sa (54.1%)
- Samira (52.7%)
- Mel (52.5%)
- Miss Fortune (51.4%)
- Lucian (51.4%)
Weak Against:
- Kog'Maw (33.3%)
- Yasuo (36.4%)
- Nilah (38.3%)
- Aphelios (40.0%)
- Swain (41.2%)
- Jinx (42.9%)
Best Support Synergies:
- Nami (52.3%)
- Thresh (52.3%)
- Karma (48.4%)
Key Tips:
- Use W cautiously, especially when enemies have CC available
- Prioritize reaching level 2 first for trading advantage
- Take E at level 2 for early all-in potential
- Focus on attacking enemies to upgrade Q through your Passive
This rune setup maximizes Smolder's lane presence while providing reliable sustain and scaling potential into the late game through Gathering Storm.
Best Support Pairings: Smolder performs exceptionally well with engage supports like Thresh and enchanter supports like Nami, who can both protect and enable aggressive plays.
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