Smolder ADC Build Guide: Optimal Runes and Items for Patch 15.4
Smolder is a bot lane ADC with a 51.0% win rate based on 1,151 matches. Here's the optimal build and strategy guide:
Core Build
- First Item: Essence Reaver
- Boots: Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Core Items: Spear of Shojin, Rapid Firecannon, Lord Dominik's Regards, Bloodthirster
- Primary: Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, Coup de Grace
- Secondary: Gathering Storm, Transcendence
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health
Ability Order: Q > W > E
Key Tips:
- Be cautious using W when enemy CC is available
- Secure level 2 advantage for early trading potential
- Maximize passive stacks by consistently attacking enemies
Strong Against:
- Kai'Sa (54.3% WR)
- Mel (53.4% WR)
- Kalista (53.3% WR)
- Samira (52.3% WR)
- Vayne (51.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Kog'Maw (34.2% WR)
- Nilah (36.4% WR)
- Yasuo (36.8% WR)
- Aphelios (38.4% WR)
- Jinx (42.0% WR)
Best Supports:
- Nami (52.3% WR)
- Thresh (50.2% WR)
- Karma (47.2% WR)
Alternative Builds:
- Arcane Comet Build
- Same core items
- Runes: Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus, Scorch
- Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Footwear
- Trinity Force Build
- First Item: Trinity Force
- Core: Manamune, Spear of Shojin
- Same rune setup as standard build
The build choice depends on team composition and matchup. Adjust defensive items based on enemy damage types and threat level.
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