Sivir Champion Guide: Complete Marksman Strategy for Patch 15.4.1
Sivir is a versatile marksman who excels at wave clear and team utility. Her kit revolves around her boomerang blade and movement speed advantages.
Core Abilities
Passive - Fleet of Foot
- Gains 35-55 movement speed for 2 seconds when damaging enemy champions
- Essential for positioning due to her short attack range
Q - Boomerang Blade
- Throws boomerang that deals damage on outward and return path
- Damage reduces by 40-100% per non-champion target hit
- Most effective when both hits connect with champions
W - Ricochet
- Empowers attacks to bounce between targets for 4 seconds
- Grants 20-40% bonus attack speed
- Resets auto-attack timer
- Executes minions below 15 health
- Critical strikes apply to bounces
E - Spell Shield
- Blocks one ability or summoner spell
- Heals for 60-80% of total AD when successful
- Triggers movement speed passive
R - On The Hunt
- Grants team-wide movement speed boost for 8/10/12 seconds
- Auto-attacks reduce ability cooldowns by 0.5s
- Duration extends on champion takedowns
Skill Order Priority
- R > Q > W > E
- Level 1: Q for poke or W for all-in
- Level 2: Consider E versus important abilities
- Level 3: Get all basic abilities
Core Build Path
- Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core: Infinity Edge > Kraken Slayer > Phantom Dancer
- Situational: Bloodthirster, Guardian Angel, Lord Dominik's Regards
Key Tips
- Use Q through clear paths to maximize damage
- Time Spell Shield for crucial abilities
- Coordinate ultimate with team engages
- Weave auto-W-auto for maximum DPS
- Position safely due to short range
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