Sion: The Ultimate Tank Guide - Complete Champion Overview
Sion is a powerful tank champion excelling in the toplane, combining massive durability with surprising damage output.
Key Strengths:
- Incredible tankiness through W passive (permanent HP stacking)
- Strong waveclear and lane control
- Excellent teamfight engagement with ultimate
- Powerful mid-game carry potential
Ability Priority:
- Q - Death's Caress (Max first)
- W - Soul Furnace (Max second)
- E - Roar of the Slayer (Max last)
- R - Unstoppable Onslaught (Take at 6/11/16)
Pro Tip: Place two points in Q by level 3 for efficient wave clear without increased mana costs.
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield
- Health Potion
Essential Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Plated Steelcaps
- Thornmail
- Force of Nature
Situational Items:
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Randuin's Omen
- Spirit Visage
- Warmog's Armor
Build Strategy: Focus on building resistances (armor and magic resist) rather than pure health since Sion's W passive already provides bonus HP through minion kills.
Laning Phase Tips:
- Use Q for safe farming and trading
- Stack W passive consistently through last-hitting
- Conserve mana in early levels
- Look for ultimate opportunities to assist other lanes
- Position aggressively when ultimate is available
TeamFight Role:
- Initiate fights with ultimate
- Disrupt enemy backline
- Protect carries with crowd control
- Create space with threatening presence
Key Matchup Advice:
- Strong against: Immobile champions
- Weak against: High mobility champions
- Even matchups: Other tanks
Sion excels as a traditional tank but can adapt to AD builds when needed. His greatest strength lies in his ability to scale infinitely through W passive while maintaining significant threat potential throughout all game phases.
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