Seraphine Bot: Complete Champion Guide for Bot Lane Support
A superstar singer by day and an enchantress-magician by night, Seraphine excels as a hybrid champion combining the strengths of both Enchanters and Mages, offering damage, CC, shields, and heals for teamfights.
Passive Abilities
Stage Presence
- Generates "Echo" buffs (up to 2x) from ability casts
- At 2 buffs, next ability becomes empowered
- Gains one Echo buff at game start and after deaths
- Abilities grant notes to Seraphine and nearby allies (lasts 6 seconds)
- Maximum 4 notes per unit
- New ability casts refresh note duration
- Basic attacks gain range and bonus damage per active note
Core Abilities
Q - Absolute Hearing
- Emits a note that explodes dealing magic damage
- Damage increases up to 50% based on target's missing health
- Echo Effect: Creates double explosion
W - Spatial Sound
- Creates 800-unit wide moving field
- Shields allies and grants movement speed (20% for Seraphine, 8% for allies)
- Echo Effect: Double shield and healing for all allies in zone
- Healing triggers with active shields
E - Rhythm Change
- Releases sonic wave dealing magic damage
- Slows enemies by 99% for 1 second
- Slowed enemies become rooted
- Rooted enemies become stunned
- Echo Effect: Double wave for guaranteed root
R - Encore
- Sends charm wave dealing magic damage
- Charms, reveals, and slows enemies for 1.25-1.75 seconds
- Range resets when hitting champions
- Grants 4 notes to allies hit
- Excellent for team fight initiation
Skill Order Priority
- Start with E for wave clear and early trades
- Max Q for consistent damage
- Level W last
- Take R at levels 6/11/16
Seraphine excels at poking in lane while maintaining safe distance. Her utility scales well into team fights, where her ultimate can be game-changing when properly positioned.
Build Paths
- Enchanter Support: Focus on ability haste and healing/shielding power
- Full AP: Maximize damage output with traditional mage items
Choose your build based on team composition and game situation.
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