Qiyana Champion Guide: Master the Empress of Elements | Patch 14.12
Qiyana is one of League of Legends' most complex assassins, rivaling Zed in difficulty. Unlike most assassins, she excels in both single-target elimination and team fight impact through strategic flanking. Her high AD scaling allows her to maintain effectiveness throughout all game stages.
Man wearing glasses
Core Abilities Overview:
Passive - Imperial Privilege Deals bonus damage on first hit against each target, with separate cooldowns per target.
Q - Elemental Wrath / Blade of Ixtal
- Base Form: Strikes in small area
- Rock Element: Bonus damage to low-health targets
- Ice Element: Briefly immobilizes
- Grass Element: Creates stealth field with movement speed bonus
W - Terraformation
- Dash that absorbs elements (rock, grass, ice)
- Provides passive attack speed, movement speed, and magic damage
- Must target specific elements when dashing
E - Unspeakable
- Targeted dash dealing damage
- Automatically aims Q if used during dash
R - Elemental Super Talent
- Creates explosive shockwave on terrain
- Stuns enemies and deals high damage
- Works with all element types
Ability Maximization Order:
- Q (Primary damage source)
- W (Mobility and element control)
- E (Gap closer)
Core Item Build:
- Start: Long Sword + Refillable Potion
- Core: Lethality items prioritizing AD and armor penetration
- Situational: Percentage armor penetration against tank-heavy teams
Element Abbreviations:
- QS: Rock Element Q
- QG: Grass Element Q
- QI: Ice Element Q
Key Playstyle Tips:
- Master element switching for maximum damage
- Use terrain strategically for ultimate impact
- Combine abilities for complex combos
- Focus on flanking in team fights
- Prioritize roaming after level 6