Orianna Champion Guide: Mastering the Classic Control Mage in Season 15
A mechanically demanding control mage, Orianna excels in mid lane through precise ball control and powerful area control abilities. Her consistent presence in professional play demonstrates her effectiveness when mastered.
Core Abilities and Gameplay Mechanics
Passive - Clockwork Windup
- Auto-attacks deal bonus magic damage
- Damage increases with consecutive hits on same target
- Ball automatically returns when out of range
Ability Rotation (Max Order: W > Q > E)
Q - Command: Attack
- Sends ball to target location
- Deals magic damage to enemies hit
- Provides vision in bushes
- Primary positioning tool
W - Command: Dissonance
- AoE damage around ball
- Speeds up allies, slows enemies
- High mana cost, maximize first
E - Command: Protect
- Shields target ally
- Grants armor and magic resistance
- Useful for ball repositioning
R - Command: Shockwave
- Ball creates damaging shockwave
- Pulls enemies toward center
- Game-changing teamfight ultimate
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Ring
- Health Potions
Core Items:
- Luden's Tempest (First major item)
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Stormsurge
Situational Items:
- Rabadon's Deathcap (When ahead)
- Void Staff (Against MR)
- Shadowflame (Single AP threat)
- Zhonya's Hourglass (Defensive option when ahead)
Key Strategic Tips
- Mana Management
- Use Manaflow Band and Presence of Mind
- Conserve mana early game
- Only use W for damage trades
- Ball Positioning
- Keep ball close for defensive purposes
- Use Q for vision control
- Position ball for zoning in teamfights
- Trading Patterns
- Q-W combo for burst damage
- Include auto-attacks for passive damage
- Shield yourself before trades
- Teamfight Positioning
- Stay behind frontline
- Look for multi-target ultimates
- Use ball for zone control
- Item Timing
- Rush Lost Chapter
- Complete Luden's ASAP
- Build defensively only when ahead
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