Olaf - The Ultimate Freljordian Bruiser Guide
A ferocious warrior from the Freljord, Olaf excels as a top lane bruiser who dominates early game and punishes mistakes with overwhelming aggression.
Core Strengths
- High early game damage output
- Strong dueling potential
- CC immunity through ultimate
- Excellent snowball potential
- Powerful 2v2 skirmishing
Key Abilities
Passive: Berserker Rage Gains attack speed and lifesteal based on missing health, making him more dangerous when low HP.
Q - Undertow (Max First)
- Throws axe that slows enemies and reduces armor
- Cooldown resets when picking up axe
- Primary damage and chase tool
W - Vicious Strikes (Max Last)
- Grants attack speed and shield based on missing health
- Acts as auto-attack reset
- Use AA → W → AA for maximum damage
E - Reckless Swing (Max Second)
- Deals true damage to target and self
- Cooldown reduced by auto attacks
- Refunds health cost if target dies
R - Ragnarök
- Passive: Gains armor and magic resistance
- Active: Becomes immune to CC for 3 seconds
- Duration extends through combat
- Grants movement speed toward enemies
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion, or
- Corrupting Potion
Core Items:
- Stridebreaker/Goredrinker
- Dead Man's Plate
- Spirit Visage
Situational Items:
- Sterak's Gage
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
Strong Against:
- CC-heavy tanks (Shen, Ornn)
- Immobile bruisers (Sett, Darius)
Weak Against:
- Mobile split-pushers (Camille, Fiora)
- Late-game scalers (Jax, Kayle)
Strategic Tips
- Dominate early game through aggressive trading
- Use Q to zone and chase opponents
- Coordinate with jungler for 2v2 skirmishes
- Leverage ultimate to dive backline in teamfights
- Focus on snowballing advantages before late game
Key weakness: Falls off late game and struggles against highly mobile targets if unable to maintain early advantage.
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