Neeko Support Guide: Dominate Lane & Teamfights with Strong CC
Ultimate CC machine with potent team fight capabilities and lane presence. Excels at surprise attacks and crowd control through clever use of her disguise mechanic.
Core Strengths
- Strong team fight presence with Ultimate (R)
- Excellent poke potential with Q and E
- Versatile engage/disengage with E
- Deceptive plays using passive and W
Key Weaknesses
- Squishy and vulnerable when locked down
- Effectiveness reduced by proper enemy vision
- Risk of accidentally stealing ADC farm
- Weak early game without proper positioning
Early Game Strategy
- Use bushes for surprise Q and E pokes
- Land E through minions for enhanced effect
- Avoid pushing wave while poking
- Play defensively until level 6
Mid Game Tips
- Roam for picks using W and Passive
- Coordinate ganks with jungler
- Set up vision control after completing ward quest
- Use Ultimate R for team fight initiation
Late Game Approach
- Only engage with Ultimate R available
- Look for isolated targets
- Peel for carries using E and Q
- Focus on flank opportunities
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Ultimate R acquisition
- First component: Mana management
- Core items: Enhanced damage and utility
- Maxed Ultimate: Frequent team fight impact
Team Fight Role
- Initiate with disguised Ultimate R
- Disrupt enemy formations
- Zone control with E and Q
- Protect carries from threats
Combat Tips
- Chain E into Q for maximum damage
- Use passive to mask Ultimate R windup
- Position carefully due to squishiness
- Coordinate Ultimate timing with team
Follow these guidelines to maximize Neeko's support potential while minimizing common mistakes. Focus on vision control, positioning, and timing your abilities for maximum impact.
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