Nautilus Support Guide: Master the Titan of the Depths
Nautilus is a powerful engage tank support known for his reliable crowd control and game-changing ultimate. His kit revolves around his signature anchor hook, making him both beginner-friendly and rewarding for skilled players.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive (Staggering Blow): First auto-attack roots target briefly, with separate cooldowns per enemy
- Q (Dredge Line): Throws anchor to pull enemies and self together, can also hook walls for mobility
- W (Titan's Wrath): Grants shield and bonus auto-attack damage
- E (Riptide): Creates three waves of explosions that damage and slow enemies
- R (Depth Charge): Launches unstoppable knockup that travels through enemies to target champion
Advanced Mechanics: Q ability can be "buffered" before CC hits, allowing Nautilus to escape even while crowd controlled. This technique is crucial for high-level play, especially in matchups against champions like Leona.
Skill Order Priority:
- Q - Maximize first for lower cooldown and increased damage
- W - Second priority for better survivability
- E - Last to max
- R - Take at levels 6/11/16
Basic Combo:
- Land Q hook
- Auto-attack for passive root
- Cast ultimate on priority target
- Use E to slow escaping enemies
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
Situational Items:
- Knight's Vow
- Frozen Heart
- Thornmail
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Look for hook opportunities on priority targets
- Use ultimate to disrupt backline carries
- Position aggressively in lane when hook is available
- Peel for carries when playing defensively
- Focus on objective control and vision around key areas
Nautilus excels at engaging fights and creating picks, while also providing strong peel for carries. His straightforward kit makes him an excellent choice for both new supports and experienced players looking to impact the game through reliable crowd control.
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