Nasus Champion Guide: Stacks and Strategy for Season 15
Nasus is a powerful toplaner who scales infinitely and excels at split-pushing and dueling. His unique Q ability "Siphoning Strike" gains permanent bonus damage when killing units, transforming him into an unstoppable force in the late game.
Key Abilities
- Q (Siphoning Strike): Gains permanent stacks on unit kills, primary damage source
- W (Wither): Slows enemy movement and attack speed
- E (Spirit Fire): AoE damage and armor reduction
- R (Fury of the Sands): Bonus health, size, and AoE damage
Optimal Skill Order
- Q > W > E (Standard)
- Place 1-2 points in E early against ranged matchups
- Take W at level 4-5
- Always max Q first after early levels
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions (vs AD)
Core Items:
- Divine Sunderer/Trinity Force (Rush Sheen first)
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Spirit Visage
- Dead Man's Plate
- Thornmail
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on safely farming Q stacks
- Avoid trades before first item
- Use E to farm from range if needed
- Save mana for Q stacking
- Call jungler if heavily pressured
Mid-Late Game
- Split push when strong enough
- Join team for important objectives
- Target priority: Towers > Inhibitors > Dragon/Baron
- Use Wither on key targets in teamfights
- Stack Q whenever possible
Tips & Tricks
- Time Teleport usage around large minion waves
- Use ultimate before engaging in fights
- Stack Q on jungle camps when safe
- Track enemy jungler to avoid ganks while stacking
- Build defensively after core damage item
Counters & Weaknesses
- Vulnerable to early aggression
- Weak against ranged tops
- Can be kited in teamfights
- Requires time to scale
- Susceptible to early dives
Runes Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Resolve):
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
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