Nautilus Support Guide: Master the Anchor's Hook
A stalwart titan of the deep, Nautilus excels as an engage support who combines powerful crowd control with surprising mobility. His kit makes him both beginner-friendly and rewarding for skilled players.
Core Abilities Overview:
Passive (Staggering Blow): First auto-attack on each target roots them briefly. Watch for the white ring indicator showing when it's ready per target.
Q (Dredge Line): Throws anchor to pull enemies or pull himself to walls. The wall-hook reduces cooldown by 50%. Can be buffered to execute through CC.
W (Titan's Wrath): Provides shield and bonus auto-attack damage. Essential for trades and all-ins.
E (Riptide): Creates three waves of explosions that damage and slow enemies.
R (Depth Charge): Launches unstoppable knockup that travels through enemies to reach main target. Ideal for disrupting backline carries.
Ability Max Order: R > Q > W > E
Core Item Build:
- Starting: Steel Shoulderguards + 2 Health Potions
- Core: Locket of the Iron Solari, Plated Steelcaps, Evenshroud
- Situational: Knight's Vow, Frozen Heart, Thornmail
Essential Tips:
- Use Q buffering against predictable CC to escape or engage
- Chain CC by combining passive root with other abilities
- Target backline carries with R to disrupt both front and backline
- Use E after other CC to maximize slow duration
- Look for roaming opportunities after level 6
Advanced Mechanics: The Q buffer technique allows Nautilus to execute his hook even while CC'd. Time your Q just before incoming CC to maintain mobility or secure crucial engages.

Man wearing glasses
Laning Strategy: Focus on pressuring with hook threats and trading when Aftershock is available. Coordinate engages with your ADC and look for opportunities to roam after securing lane advantage.
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