Nami Champion Guide: Complete Support Strategy & Build - Patch 15.4.1
Nami is a versatile enchantress support who excels at sustaining allies while harassing enemies through her unique bouncing abilities and crowd control.
Core Abilities Overview
Passive - Tidecaller's Blessing: Grants allies bonus movement speed when hit by Nami's abilities.
W (Ebb and Flow) - Primary lane tool that bounces between allies and enemies:
- Heals allies and damages enemies
- Max first for optimal lane sustain and poke
- Can be cast on any target for different bounce patterns
E (Blessing of the Tidecaller):
- Empowers ally's next three attacks
- Adds magic damage and slow effect
- Take at level 2 for strong early trading
Q (Aqua Prison):
- Launches water bubble that stuns enemies
- Best used when enemies are slowed or CC'd
- Save for crucial moments rather than random poke
R (Tidal Wave):
- Large knockout wave that slows enemies
- Grants double movement speed to allies
- Perfect for teamfight engage or disengage
Optimal Skill Order R > W > E > Q
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Staff of Flowing Water
Situational Items:
- Mikael's Blessing (vs heavy CC)
- Redemption (team-wide sustain)
- Ardent Censer (with attack-speed carries)
Key Gameplay Tips
Early Game:
- Focus on W poke while maintaining mana
- Use E to empower ADC trades
- Save Q for ganks or all-in attempts
Mid-Late Game:
- Position safely behind frontline
- Chain CC with teammates
- Use ultimate to control objectives and teamfights
Remember to weave auto-attacks between abilities to maximize Spellthief's procs and maintain lane pressure while staying safe from enemy engage.
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