Nautilus Support Counter Guide: Best Champions and Tips
In lane, maintain minion positioning between yourself and Nautilus to prevent his Q hook. Ranged champions should utilize their attack range advantage for poke damage while avoiding over-commitment.
Utility supports are advised to choose Relic Shield over Spelltheif's Edge for a safer laning phase.
Key Strategy Points:
- Maintain distance from teammates to avoid chain CC from Nautilus's ultimate
- Focus Nautilus if he engages without team follow-up
- Stay out of auto-attack range to avoid his passive CC
- Ward effectively to track his roams after Mobility Boots purchase
Power Spike Awareness:
- Levels 1-3: High kill pressure with Q
- Level 6: Increased threat with ultimate
- Post-Mobility Boots: Enhanced roaming potential
Strong Counters:
- Taric
- Renata Glasc
- Rell
- Tahm Kench
- Bard
Poor Matchups:
- Leona
- Senna
- Janna
- Lulu
- Alistar
Watch for his primary engage tools (Q and R) and maintain proper positioning throughout all game phases. Communicate missing pings when Nautilus leaves lane to prevent successful roams.
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