Azir Guide: Mastering The Emperor of the Sands - Build, Abilities & Pro Tips

Azir Guide: Mastering The Emperor of the Sands - Build, Abilities & Pro Tips

By Marcus Chen

February 25, 2025 at 05:54 PM

Experience triumph as Shurima's emperor with this comprehensive Azir guide.

A complex mage who excels in controlled environments, Azir combines sustained damage with game-changing playmaking potential. While challenging to master, he offers unparalleled late-game scaling and teamfight impact through his iconic Shurima Shuffle.



Skill Priority)

  1. W - Arise!
  2. Q - Conquering Sands
  3. E - Shifting Sands

Max W first to empower your Sand Soldiers - they receive increased AP scaling, reduced mana costs, and bonus attack speed per rank. Q second improves soldier repositioning, followed by E.

Core Tips for Success

  • Conserve mana by using Q strategically for repositioning rather than poke
  • Focus on soldier positioning and auto-attacks for consistent damage
  • E targets the soldier nearest to your cursor - crucial for escapes and Shurima Shuffles
  • Practice the Shurima Shuffle: E to a soldier, Q mid-dash to extend range, R to displace enemies
  • Position soldiers far back in lane to enable long-range ganking angles
  • Late game, prioritize sustained DPS over risky shuffles unless absolutely necessary
  • Track enemy Flash cooldowns before attempting aggressive plays

Trading Pattern vs Assassins

  1. Place soldier when they engage
  2. E for shield while kiting back
  3. Add second soldier as they disengage
  4. Q to slow and extend the trade

Core Build Starting: Doran's Ring + 2 Health Potions Core Items:

  • Crown of the Shattered Queen/Liandry's Anguish
  • Nashor's Tooth
  • Rabadon's Deathcap


  • Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
  • Void Staff (vs MR stacking)
  • Shadowflame (vs squishies)

Focus on building Ability Power and Attack Speed, with Magic Penetration in later stages. Mana items aren't necessary due to W's low cost - rune mana sustain suffices.

Mastering Azir requires juggling multiple mechanics simultaneously - soldier positioning, personal spacing, combo execution, and matchup knowledge. Keep practicing and don't get discouraged if success doesn't come immediately.

Note: Stay tuned for laning phase specifics and matchup details in the expanded guide sections.

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