Nautilus Comprehensive Champion Guide: From Lane to Late Game
Your Hook (Q) is your primary engage tool - aim to hit immobile or low-mobility enemies.
Make the most of your level 2 power spike by quickly pushing for level 2 and looking for an aggressive engage.
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Start with Dredge Line (Q) for strong level 1 presence
- Play aggressive at level 2 with Q + W combo
- Avoid being poked down by playing behind minions when cooldowns are down
- Stay healthy to maintain engage threat
Mid Game (Levels 6-13):
- Roam with Boots of Mobility to help other lanes
- Look for picks with Depth Charge (R) ultimate
- Group with team before objectives
- Protect your ADC during teamfights
- Ward safely when enemy positions are known
Late Game (Level 14+):
- Stay grouped with your team
- Peel for carries in teamfights
- Look for ultimate picks from fog of war
- Use your tankiness for reliable tower dives
- Focus nearest targets after engaging
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Strong all-in potential with Q + W
- Level 6: Ultimate adds significant kill pressure
- Boots of Mobility: Enhanced roaming capability
- Multiple completed items: Excellent tower dive potential
Important Tips:
- Don't engage without team follow-up
- Maintain vision control for ultimate picks
- Play around cooldowns carefully
- Position safely when abilities are down
- Use fog of war to your advantage
Common Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable to poke damage
- Requires team follow-up
- Must commit fully to engages
- Countered by heavy disengage
- Reliant on landing hook
Similar Champions:
- Leona (Average difficulty)
- Thresh (Average difficulty)
- Blitzcrank (Easy difficulty)
- Pyke (Average difficulty)
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