LoL Champion Guide - Dr. Mundo: The Madman of Zhaun
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo is a powerful juggernaut who excels at being an unstoppable force in teamfights. Playing in the toplane, he combines exceptional sustain with surprising poke damage and late-game scaling.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional tankiness and self-healing
- Strong late-game scaling
- Consistent damage output
- Manaless abilities
- Good wave clear
Major Weaknesses:
- Weak early game
- Lacks hard CC
- Can be kited easily
- Vulnerable to grievous wounds
Ability Priority:
- Q (Infected Cleaver)
- E (Blunt Force Trauma)
- W (Heart Zapper)
- R (Maximum Dosage)
Passive: Goes Where He Pleases
- Resists first immobilizing effect
- Drops a chemical canister when hit by CC
- Picking up canister restores 4% max health
- Grants bonus health regeneration
Core Abilities:
- Q: Throws cleaver dealing current health damage and slowing targets
- W: Deals AoE damage and stores received damage for potential healing
- E: Grants bonus AD based on max health and serves as auto-attack reset
- R: Heals missing health instantly and regenerates health over time
Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Spirit Visage
- Warmog's Armor
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Dead Man's Plate (for mobility)
Early Game Strategy:
- Farm safely with Q
- Avoid all-ins before level 6
- Use passive to trade effectively
- Conserve health for important trades
Mid-Late Game:
- Split push when needed
- Join teamfights as frontline
- Target carries in fights
- Time ultimate for maximum value
- Focus on objective control
Mundo excels at being a durable frontline threat who can both absorb and deal significant damage. Success with Mundo relies on proper resource management, skillshot accuracy with cleavers, and knowing when to engage with ultimate.
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