League of Legends Nautilus Support Guide: Master The Titan of the Depths
Nautilus's primary strength lies in his strong early game pressure and exceptional crowd control abilities. Here's how to maximize his potential across different game phases:
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Capitalize on powerful level 2 all-in potential
- Stay healthy to maintain engage pressure
- Position carefully to avoid poke damage
- Don't engage without ally follow-up
- Look for aggressive plays when hitting level 2 first
Mid Game (Levels 6-11):
- Utilize Boots of Mobility for effective roaming
- Create map pressure by helping other lanes
- Look for picks with Ultimate (R)
- Protect ADC during teamfights
- Group with team for objectives
- Ward safely when enemy positions are known
Late Game (Levels 12+):
- Stay grouped with team
- Peel for carries in teamfights
- Initiate fights from fog of war using Ultimate
- Soak damage during tower dives
- Focus on protecting key allies
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Strong all-in potential
- Level 6: Ultimate adds significant kill pressure
- Two points in R: Frequent ultimate usage
- Level 9: Q maxed for frequent engage opportunities
- Three points in R: Optimal teamfight control
Important Tips:
- Don't leave your ADC vulnerable
- After engaging, fall back to protect carries
- Use ultimate to force objectives or teamfights
- Coordinate invades with jungler
- Utilize death brush strategy when Q is maxed
- Vulnerable to poke damage
- Commits heavily to engages
- Relies on team follow-up
- Limited disengage options
- Needs proper positioning
Similar Champions:
- Leona (Average difficulty)
- Thresh (Average difficulty)
- Blitzcrank (Easy difficulty)
- Pyke (Average difficulty)
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