Most Popular and Most Banned Champions in LoL's Current Patch 14.23: Ambessa and Caitlyn Lead

Most Popular and Most Banned Champions in LoL's Current Patch 14.23: Ambessa and Caitlyn Lead

By Marcus Chen

December 3, 2024 at 11:31 PM

League of Legends Patch 14.23 brings significant changes to the meta, affecting both pick and ban rates across all ranks. Here's a detailed analysis of the most impactful champions in the current patch.

Most Popular Champions (Pick Rate in Emerald+):

  1. Caitlyn (27.7%)
  • Highest pick rate despite ultimate nerf
  • Popularity boost from Arcane Season 2
  • Strong lane presence and reliable damage output
  1. Jhin (20.6%)
  • Consistent 50.27% win rate
  • Excellent pick despite no direct changes
  • Strong lane control and utility
  1. Jinx (18.2%)
  • Maintains popularity despite ultimate nerf
  • Slight buff to attack damage growth
  • 50.19% win rate
  1. Graves (17.9%)
  • Versatile jungler with 50.45% win rate
  • Strong in multiple roles
  • Excellent clear speed and dueling potential
  1. Ashe (17.1%)
  • Traditional ADC role dominance
  • 50.53% win rate
  • Strong utility and crowd control

Most Banned Champions:

  1. Ambessa (57.7%)
  • Newest champion
  • Recent buffs made her extremely strong
  • Complex but rewarding mechanics
  1. Pyke (30.1%)
  • Strong roaming potential
  • Excellent team fight impact
  • High snowball potential
  1. Graves (29%)
  • Dual threat in pick and ban rates
  • Versatile role selection
  • Consistent performance
  1. Caitlyn (27.7%)
  • Strong lane dominance
  • Safe pick with high impact
  • Current meta favorite
  1. LeBlanc (27.1%)
  • Frustrating to play against
  • Common comfort ban
  • Strong assassination potential

These statistics reflect the current state of high-level play (Emerald+) and demonstrate which champions are considered most impactful in the current meta. The data suggests a strong presence of ADC champions in the pick rates, while the ban rates focus more on potentially game-changing champions across various roles.

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