Lulu Support Guide: Pro Tips for Enchanting Your Way to Victory
Lulu is a potent enchanter support who excels at protecting and enhancing allies while offering significant lane presence. Her versatile kit makes her particularly effective when paired with marksmen.

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Core Abilities Overview
Passive (Pix, Faerie Companion):
- Grants bonus damage on auto attacks
- Damage can be blocked by minions
- Interacts with other abilities for enhanced effects
Q (Glitterlance):
- Fires two projectiles (from Lulu and Pix)
- Deals damage and applies significant slow
- Excellent for lane harassment and catch potential
E (Help, Pix!):
- Primary ability to max first
- Dual function: Shield allies or damage enemies
- Transfers Pix to target, enabling extended Q range
- When shielding allies, grants them Pix's bonus damage
W (Whimsy):
- Allies: Grants movement and attack speed
- Enemies: Polymorphs them, preventing attacks and abilities
- Critical for both offensive and defensive plays
R (Wild Growth):
- Increases ally size and grants bonus health
- Knocks up nearby enemies on cast
- Provides area slow throughout duration
Item Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- Two Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Ardent Censer
Situational Items:
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Redemption
- Mikael's Blessing
- Shurelya's Battlesong
Gameplay Strategy
Early Game:
- Harass with auto attacks and Q
- Use E shield to protect ADC during trades
- Save W for defensive purposes or all-in opportunities
Mid Game:
- Focus on protecting your carries
- Position safely to maintain enchanter buffs
- Coordinate ultimates with team engages
Late Game:
- Prioritize keeping your primary carry alive
- Use items actively during teamfights
- Position carefully to avoid assassins while maintaining buff uptime
Focus on maximizing shield uptime and coordinating polymorphs with your team's damage output for optimal effectiveness.
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