Lee Sin Champion Guide: Master the Blind Monk's Advanced Jungle Techniques
A highly mobile fighter-assassin, Lee Sin excels in the jungle with his versatile kit and playmaking potential. His success heavily relies on mechanical skill and game knowledge, making him one of League's most challenging champions to master.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q (Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike)
- E (Tempest/Cripple)
- W (Safeguard/Iron Will)
Early game, start with Q for buff camps or E for multi-monster camps. Max Q first for maximum damage output and gank potential.
Key Mechanics
- Utilize passive by making 2 auto-attacks between abilities
- Energy management is crucial for combo execution
- Ward jumping (Ward + W) enables creative gank paths and escapes
Essential Combos
Basic Ward Jump
- Place ward > W to ward
- Q > Q > Ward behind target > W > R
- Alternative: Q > Q > R > Flash
One-Shot Combo
- Q > AA > E > AA > R > Q2
Core Build Path Starting:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse/Goredrinker
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Dead Man's Plate (vs AD)
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on efficient clearing and early ganks
- Look for counter-jungling opportunities
- Prioritize securing objectives and vision control
Mid-Late Game
- Transition to a playmaking role
- Focus on picking off key targets
- Use mobility to split map pressure
Remember: Lee Sin's effectiveness decreases late game, so aim to create advantages early and convert them into objectives.
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