Lucian Champion Guide: Master the High-Burst Marksman
Lucian is a powerful lane bully marksman who excels at aggressive early-game play. His high burst damage potential makes him especially effective when paired with engage supports, though he works well with most support types thanks to his passive.
Core Strengths:
- Strong lane dominance
- High burst damage
- Versatile support synergy
- Strong all-in potential
Key Weaknesses:
- Short attack range
- Mechanically demanding
- Vulnerable to poke
Ability Order:
- Q - Piercing Light (Max first)
- E - Relentless Pursuit (Max second)
- W - Piercing Shot (Max last)

Man in black shirt headshot
Key Combos:
- Basic Trade: AA-Q-AA
- Engage Combo: E->W(mid-dash)->AA->Q->AA
- Full Damage Combo: AA-E-AA-Q-AA-W-AA-R-AA-Q-AA-E-AA
Ability Tips:
- Q provides wave clear and poke
- E allows repositioning and cooldown resets with passive
- W marks targets for movement speed bonus
- R can be used for long-range burst or combo finisher
Combat Strategy:
- Use abilities between auto-attacks to maximize passive
- Cancel auto-attack animations with abilities
- Use E to dodge skills while engaging
- Weave passive shots between abilities
- Position aggressively but safely due to short range
Build Path:
- Starting: Standard ADC items
- Core: Focus on AD, attack speed, and crit
- Late Game: Add armor penetration and lifesteal
- Need minimum 4 items for full potential
Laning Phase:
- Look for early level 2 advantage
- Trade aggressively when abilities are up
- Coordinate with support for all-ins
- Mind positioning due to short range
- Use W to secure difficult CS from range
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