League of Legends Weekly Skin Sale: 15 Champions Discounted Until November 24th
Every week, Riot Games offers 15 different League of Legends skins at discounted prices. Here are the current skin sales from November 18th-24th:
Marauder Warwick - 300 RP (60% off)

Warwick in Marauder armor skin
Dark Valkyrie Diana - 438 RP (55% off)

Dark Valkyrie Diana with sword
Moo Cow Alistar - 487 RP (50% off)

Alistar Moo Cow skin kicking
Mecha Kingdoms Sett - 607 RP (55% off)

Gold-accented mecha warrior in combat
Pool Party Zoe - 607 RP (55% off)

Pool Party Zoe with water gun
Pentakill Kayle - 607 RP (55% off)

Kayle wielding sword in Pentakill skin
Full Metal Jayce - 675 RP (50% off)

Full Metal Jayce League of Legends
Cosmic Sting Skarner - 742 RP (45% off)

Cosmic Sting Skarner splashart
Arcana Ahri - 742 RP (45% off)

Arcana Ahri in purple mystical attire
Spirit Blossom Lillia - 810 RP (40% off)

Lillia with Shan Hai Scrolls staff
Shan Hai Scrolls Tahm Kench - 810 RP (40% off)

Tahm Kench in Shan Hai skin
High Noon Sion - 810 RP (40% off)

High Noon Sion skin splash art
La Ilusión Gnar - 944 RP (30% off)

Gnar in La Ilusion skin
Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol - 944 RP (30% off)

Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol dragon portrait
Infernal Karma - 975 RP (27% off)

Infernal Karma skin with fiery elements
Important Notes:
- You must own the champion to purchase their skin
- Preview skins on YouTube before purchasing
- Sale ends November 24th

Corki riding dragon in flight

Pixelated golden arcade gun star
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