LoL players demand shorter death timers to make URF mode enjoyable again

LoL players demand shorter death timers to make URF mode enjoyable again

By Marcus Chen

February 9, 2025 at 06:35 PM

League of Legends champion in red cape

League of Legends champion in red cape

League of Legends players are calling for shorter death timers in URF mode to restore its fun, fast-paced nature. The current lengthy death timers, reaching up to 50 seconds by the 15-minute mark, are encouraging unwanted splitpushing strategies and defensive gameplay.

Man with headphones in gaming setup

Man with headphones in gaming setup

The primary issues with current URF mode:

  • Death timers become too punishing by mid-game
  • Players resort to splitpushing with champions like Tryndamere and Sion
  • Defensive farming replaces aggressive gameplay
  • Match experience becomes similar to ranked games rather than casual fun



While URF features base cannons for quick returns to lane, the extended death timers still allow enough time for enemy splitpushers to create significant advantages. This contradicts URF's intended design as a fast-paced, experimental game mode where players can try new champions and builds without competitive pressure.

Riot Games has shown willingness to adjust URF mechanics, recently replacing First Blood Feats with a three-kill objective. Players hope similar attention will be given to death timer duration to preserve URF's original spirit of casual, action-packed gameplay.

[Rest of images maintained as per original article]

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