League of Legends: The Comprehensive Guide to Ezreal Champion
Shuriman Wildlife and Creatures
The diverse landscape of Shurima hosts various unique creatures adapted to its harsh desert environment:
Brackern are ancient beings living in clans around the Shuriman continent.

Desert landscape with massive stone structures
Dormun are massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build homes on their backs.
Eka'Sul are desert goats that travel in herds.
Mwatis are goat-like creatures with plated head casques, valued for their wool and plates.

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing
Xer'Sai and other Void creatures ("outerbeasts") plague the southern deserts. Rek'Sai is their largest and most dangerous queen.
Ralsiji are large, aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with horns and humped backs.
Shuriman Camels are well-adapted for desert travel but remain vulnerable to predators.
Sandswimmers are massive creatures that swim under the sand, feeding on small desert creatures.

Two beasts crossing desert landscape

Sandstone arches in desert landscape

Three travelers with camels in desert

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Shuriman market with city backdrop
Skallashi are large herbivores used for transport and cargo. Their long legs and hardy nature make them ideal for desert travel. Their horns are often decorated with protective charms and totems.

Ezreal's Abilities
Rising Spell Force (Passive): Gains 10% attack speed per ability hit, stacking up to 5 times for 6 seconds.
Mystic Shot (Q): Fires an energy bolt that applies on-hit effects and reduces cooldowns by 1.5 seconds on hit.
Essence Flux (W): Fires an orb that marks champions/objectives. Detonating the mark deals magic damage and restores mana.
Arcane Shift (E): Blinks to a location and fires a homing bolt at the nearest enemy, prioritizing W-marked targets.
Trueshot Barrage (R): Channels a powerful energy barrage that deals magic damage to all enemies hit, reduced by 50% against minions and monsters.
- First champion to have a Champion Spotlight
- Named after Riot employee Colt 'Ezreal' Hallam
- Dance references "Hare Hare Yukai" from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- First champion to reach 13 skins
- Has a namesake NPC in Runescape
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