Diana Ultimate Jungle Guide: Moonlit Assassin's Path
Diana is a powerful magic damage jungler combining simple mechanics with strong power spikes. Her abilities synergize well, making her highly mobile when engaging enemies, with her E resetting upon landing Q marks.
Core Strengths:
- Strong AOE clear speed
- High burst damage potential
- Good mobility with Q+E combo
- Excellent scaling into mid/late game
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Focus on efficient clearing
- Avoid early jungler confrontations
- Prioritize reaching level 6
- Look for safe ganks only when lanes are pushed
Power Spike (Level 6+):
- Unlock full combo potential
- Increased gank success rate
- Better dueling capability
- Can contest objectives
Ability Order:
- Q (Crescent Strike)
- W (Pale Cascade)
- E (Lunar Rush)
- R (Moonfall)
Max Order: R > Q > W > E
Core Items:
- Night Harvester
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Shadowflame
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Starting Items:
- Hailblade
- Refillable Potion
Item Build Strategy:
- Focus on AP and ability haste early
- Add magic penetration mid-game
- Build defensive items situationally
Gameplay Tips:
- Use Q+E combo for efficient clear
- Save W shield for enemy engages
- Chain abilities for maximum burst
- Look for flanking opportunities
- Prioritize squishy targets
Team Fighting:
- Aim for backline access
- Use R to disrupt enemy positioning
- Follow up on team's CC
- Save Zhonya's for critical moments
Matchup Strategy:
- Strong against immobile champions
- Weak vs heavy CC teams
- Counter with early invades
- Requires good target selection
Follow these guidelines to maximize Diana's jungle potential and impact on the game.
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