List of Unit-Targeted Abilities in League of Legends
Here's a comprehensive list of all unit-targeted abilities in League of Legends, organized by category for easy reference:
Champion Abilities:
Basic Abilities:
- Alistar: Headbutt
- Anivia: Frostbite
- Annie: Disintegrate, Molten Shield
- Brand: Conflagration
- Cassiopeia: Twin Fang
- Fiddlesticks: Terrify
- Gangplank: Parrrley
- Irelia: Bladesurge
- Janna: Zephyr, Eye of the Storm
- Katarina: Bouncing Blade, Shunpo
- Lee Sin: Safeguard
- Malphite: Seismic Shard
- Nasus: Wither
- Pantheon: Shield Vault
- Ryze: Rune Prison, Spell Flux
- Teemo: Blinding Dart
- Vladimir: Transfusion
Ultimate Abilities:
- Akali: Perfect Execution
- Caitlyn: Ace in the Hole
- Cho'Gath: Feast
- Darius: Noxian Guillotine
- Garen: Demacian Justice
- Malzahar: Nether Grasp
- Mordekaiser: Realm of Death
- Nautilus: Depth Charge
- Sett: The Show Stopper
- Syndra: Unleashed Power
- Trundle: Subjugate
- Zed: Death Mark
Support Items:
- Black Spear
- Knight's Vow
- Mikael's Blessing
- Zeke's Convergence
Summoner Spells:
- Exhaust
- Heal
- Ignite
- Smite
- Teleport
Notable Mechanics:
- Basic attacks are unit-targeted by default
- Some abilities can target both allies and enemies
- Certain abilities become unit-targeted only under specific conditions
- Unit-targeted abilities cannot be dodged unless the target becomes untargetable
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