Leona Support: The Ultimate Tank Engage Guide
Leona is a powerful tank-engage support champion who excels at initiating fights and locking down enemies with her crowd control abilities.
Core Strengths
- Strong engage potential
- High durability
- Multiple crowd control abilities
- Excellent team fight presence
Skill Order
- Level 1: Q (vs melee) or E (vs ranged)
- Level 2: Take the other ability (Q or E)
- Max Order: R > W > E > Q
W is maxed first to maximize tankiness early, as it provides significant armor and magic resistance. E is maxed second for reduced cooldown on engage. Q is maxed last since its stun duration doesn't increase with rank.
Runes Primary (Resolve):
- Aftershock
- Font of Life
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Perfect Timing
- Cosmic Insight
Core Items Starting:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Essential Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Winter's Approach
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
Situational Items:
- Knight's Vow (vs physical damage)
- Abyssal Mask (vs magic damage)
- Zeke's Convergence (when ahead)
- Thornmail (vs healing)
Gameplay Tips
- Coordinate engages with your ADC
- Chain your CC abilities (E > Q > R) for maximum lockdown
- Use W before engaging to maximize tankiness
- Look for roaming opportunities after level 6
- Position aggressively in lane to create pressure
- Save Q for interrupting important enemy abilities
Lane Combos
- Basic Engage: E > Auto > Q > Auto
- All-in: E > W > Auto > Q > R > Auto
- Defensive: Q > Auto > E (to disengage)
Remember to communicate with your team before engaging, as Leona commits heavily to fights and needs follow-up to be effective.
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