Lee Sin: The Most Powerful Jungle Assassin Guide (Patch 15.4.1)
Lee Sin is a highly mobile jungle assassin renowned for his explosive playstyle and complex mechanics. His ability to impact the game through skillful plays and high-speed engages makes him a persistent meta pick.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q (Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike)
- E (Tempest/Cripple)
- W (Safeguard/Iron Will)
Key Mechanics
- Use 2 auto-attacks between abilities to maximize passive benefits
- Start with Q for buff camps or E for multi-monster camps
- Each basic ability has two parts - master both activations
Essential Combos
- Ward Jump (Basic Mobility)
- Place ward > W to ward
- Insec (Displacement Combo)
- Q > Q > Ward > W > R
- Alternative: Q > Q > R > Flash
- One-Shot Combo
- Q > AA > E > AA > R > Q
- Execute with second Q for maximum damage
Item Build Path Core Items:
- Eclipse/Goredrinker (Mythic)
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
- Guardian Angel
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Dead Man's Plate (vs AD)
- Force of Nature (vs AP)
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on aggressive ganking
- Invade enemy jungle when possible
- Prioritize securing objectives
- Look for picks with ward-hop mobility
- Practice mechanics in Practice Tool first
- Focus on consistency over flashy plays
- Always track enemy jungler position
- Save ward jumps for escape when needed
- Maintain farm while pressure lanes
Building Lee Sin requires balancing damage and survivability, focusing on AD, health, and ability haste while incorporating situational tank items for late-game teamfights.
This champion demands significant practice to master but offers tremendous game impact potential when played effectively.
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