Kled Champion Guide: Master the Fearless Fighter in Top Lane
Kled is a unique top lane fighter known for his aggressive playstyle and dual-health mechanic with his companion Skaarl. His success relies on precise timing, positioning, and team coordination.
Skill Priority:
- Max Q first (Bear Trap on a Rope)
- Max W second (Violent Tendencies)
- Max E last (Jousting)
Early Game Skills:
- Start with Q at level 1 for trading and last-hitting
- Hold skill point at level 2 until trading begins (W triggers automatically)
- Consider delaying E until level 3-4 if lane remains passive
Core Build:
- Starting Items: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core Items: Eclipse, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance
- Situational: Guardian Angel, Maw of Malmortius, Ravenous Hydra
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Playstyle Overview:
- Aggressive lane presence
- Strong all-in potential with mounted form
- Use dismounted form strategically to regain Skaarl
- Excel at engaging fights and diving backline
- Focus on building AD items due to natural tankiness from Skaarl
Key Mechanics:
- Q provides strong trading tool and engage
- W auto-triggers with attacks, manage timing carefully
- E offers mobility and repositioning
- Ultimate enables long-range engage and team fight initiation
Strategy Tips:
- Coordinate engages with team
- Time W activation for optimal trading
- Use dismounted form to bait enemies
- Build damage items to maximize impact
- Focus on wave management due to limited clear
Kled excels at aggressive plays and team fight initiation, making him ideal for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward playstyles. Success requires mastering his unique mount/dismount mechanic and understanding proper engagement timing.
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