League of Legends Wiki: Complete Guide to Mana Regeneration
Mana regeneration is a crucial statistic in League of Legends that determines how quickly a champion recovers mana. Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding and maximizing mana regeneration.
Understanding Mana Regeneration
- Occurs in 0.5-second intervals
- Disabled when current mana equals maximum mana
- Stacks additively (both flat and percentage values)
- Base value increases with champion level
- Gold value: 60 per point (flat) or 4 per point (percentage base)
Ways to Reduce Mana Costs
- Champion abilities (e.g., Taliyah's Threaded Volley)
- Item effects
- Rune combinations
Mana Refund Abilities Notable champions with mana refund abilities:
- Annie (Disintegrate)
- Cassiopeia (Twin Fang)
- Ezreal (Essence Flux)
- Varus (Piercing Arrow)
- Xerath (Arcanopulse)
Mana Restoration Sources
- Champion Abilities:
- Bard's Traveler's Call
- Brand's Blaze
- Kassadin's Nether Blade
- Twisted Fate's Blue Card
- Items:
- Doran's Ring
- Catalyst of Aeons
- Essence Reaver
- Lost Chapter
- Rod of Ages
- Runes:
- Manaflow Band
- Presence of Mind
- Other Sources:
- Clarity (Summoner Spell)
- Ocean Dragon Soul
- Level-up restoration
- Summoning platform regeneration
Maximizing Mana Regeneration
- Item Combinations:
- Doran's Ring
- Guardian's Orb
- Elixir of Sorcery
- Champion-Specific Abilities:
- Akshan's Going Rogue
- Singed's Insanity Potion
- Map-Specific Bonuses:
- Howling Abyss grants 0.75% maximum mana regeneration
- Health Relics provide mana restoration
Record Mana Regeneration
- Highest possible: 3,620 mana per 5 seconds
- Achieved with level 18 Ryze
- Requires specific item builds, runes, and buffs
- Translates to 724 mana per second
Tips for Managing Mana Regeneration
- Prioritize mana items early game
- Use abilities efficiently
- Take advantage of neutral buffs
- Consider rune choices carefully
- Coordinate with team for buff control
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