League of Legends: The Ultimate Evelynn Champion Guide and Build
Starting with the essential information:
Evelynn is a stealth assassin jungler who excels at punishing isolated targets and creating map pressure through her permanent camouflage. Her burst damage and execution potential make her particularly effective in low to mid ELO ranges.
Core Abilities Priority
- Max Q first (Hate Spike)
- Max E second (Whiplash)
- Max W last (Allure)
- Take R whenever possible (Last Caress)
Optimal Skill Order
- Q at level 1 (main clearing ability)
- E at level 2 (single target damage)
- Q again at level 3 for faster clear OR W if ganking
- Complete ability order: Q > E > W > R
Key Combos Standard Assassination:
- W (Charge fully if possible)
- Q to engage
- E to close gap
- Follow-up Q
- Auto Attack
- Final Q
- R to execute or escape
Quick Burst Combo:
- Flash
- E
- R (for AoE damage and escape)
Pro Tip: Cast W on a different target than your intended victim to misdirect enemies and create openings.
Core Build Path Starting:
- Dark Seal
- Refillable Potion
Essential Items:
- Night Harvester/Rocketbelt
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Situational Items:
- Mejai's Soulstealer (when ahead)
- Lich Bane (for split pushing)
- Banshee's Veil (against heavy AP)
- Zhonya's Hourglass (against AD threats)
Key Strengths
- Permanent stealth post-level 6
- High burst damage
- Strong objective control
- Excellent pick potential
Main Weaknesses
- Vulnerable to early invades
- Requires proper setup for ganks
- Team-reliant in teamfights
- Countered by vision control
Remember to maintain jungle pressure through your stealth, prioritize isolated targets, and use your ultimate both as an execution tool and escape mechanism.
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