Elise Support Complete Guide: From Spider Queen to Support Star
Spider Form (Q) - Spider-form basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. Active: Lunges at target enemy, dealing magic damage based on their current health percentage.
Human Form (W) - Sends volatile spiders to a target location, dealing magic damage and spawning spiderlings. Spider Form (W) - Grants attack speed and strengthens spiderlings.
Human Form (E) - Shoots a web that stuns the first enemy hit. Spider Form (E) - Elise and her spiderlings ascend, becoming untargetable. Can descend onto enemies to deal damage.
Human Form (R) - Transforms into spider form, granting bonus armor/MR and different abilities. Spider Form (R) - Returns to human form.
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Void Staff
- Shadowflame
Situational Items:
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
- Banshee's Veil (vs AP threats)
- Rabadon's Deathcap (when snowballing)
Laning Strategy Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Start Q vs enchanters for poke
- Start E vs engage supports to counter all-ins
- Look for cocoon (E) stuns to set up kills
- Use human form for poke, spider form for all-ins
Mid Game:
- Roam to mid when possible
- Set up vision for picks
- Focus on catching isolated targets
- Use rappel (Spider E) to dive turrets safely
Late Game:
- Look for picks on carries
- Peel for your carry if behind
- Split push when needed
- Save cocoon for priority targets
Key Tips
- Hold Spider E to buy time (don't click directly on enemies)
- Use human form for poke/setup, spider form for execution
- Chain CC with your ADC
- Maximize Q first, then W for damage or E for utility
- Build magic penetration to maintain damage
[Previous image formatting would go here as per instructions]
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