League of Legends: The Legacy of Boots of Speed
Boots of Speed were basic movement items in League of Legends that provided 25 movement speed for 300 gold. They served as the foundation for all advanced boot items in the game before being removed in patch V10.23.
As a starter item, Boots of Speed were particularly valuable for:
- Champions requiring high mobility
- Mid lane players needing to dodge skillshots
- Building into advanced boot options
Key Features:
- Cost: 300 gold
- Movement Speed: +25
- Limited to one pair of boots per champion
- Could not be purchased by Cassiopeia
Notable Changes Through Patches:
- Movement speed reduced from 50 to 25
- Cost adjustments from 350 to 300 gold
- Added "Limit of 1" restriction
- Removed from game in V10.23
Boot Upgrade Options:
- Berserker's Greaves
- Boots of Mobility
- Boots of Swiftness
- Mercury's Treads
- Ninja Tabi
- Sorcerer's Shoes
Interesting Trivia:
- Could be found in shop by searching "Hat" while playing Nami
- Served as basis for movement speed gold value (12 gold per point)
- Was one of only two basic items increasing movement speed
The item was ultimately replaced by regular Boots in the item system overhaul.
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