League of Legends: The History of Brawler's Gloves - A Removed Item
Brawler's Gloves was a basic item in League of Legends that provided 10% critical strike chance before being removed in patch V9.23.
Brawler's Gloves
As the base critical strike chance item, it established the gold value of 40 per 1% critical strike chance. The item cost 400 gold in its final iteration.
Strategic Value:
- Provided early game critical strike potential
- Particularly effective on champions with on-hit abilities like Gangplank's Parrrley
- Strong on crit-dependent champions like Tryndamere
- Could lead to devastating early game trades due to critical strike damage
Item Evolution:
- Originally cost 360 gold
- Underwent several cost adjustments between 400-600 gold
- Critical strike chance increased from 8% to 10%
- Was previously a component for items like Phantom Dancer, Wicked Hatchet, and Executioner's Calling
- Icon was later repurposed for Teamfight Tactics' Sparring Gloves
Lore: A craftsman from a village near Nolir's moors created these gloves using rare lizard hide and steel, making them highly sought after by bandits and thieves.
The item was ultimately removed from the game during patch V9.23, marking the end of its presence in League of Legends.
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