League of Legends Shuriman Creatures Guide

League of Legends Shuriman Creatures Guide

By Marcus Chen

March 1, 2025 at 04:03 AM

The forests and deserts of Shurima are home to diverse and fascinating creatures. Here are the key native species:

Brackern Ancient crystalline scorpions that live in clans throughout the Shuriman desert.

Dormun Massive, armored creatures with the ability to sense hidden water reservoirs. Some nomadic tribes build permanent homes on their backs.

Desert Wildlife

  • Eka'Sul: Desert goats that travel in herds
  • Mwatis: Goat-like creatures valued for their wool and protective head plates
  • Kmiros: Giant scarab swarms that prey on travelers
  • Shuriman Camels: Primary transportation, well-adapted to desert travel

Void Creatures

  • Xer'Sai: Dog-sized predators that burrow under the sand, led by their queen Rek'Sai
  • Outerbeasts: Other dangerous void creatures that plague the desert

Large Desert Beasts

  • Ralsiji: Aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with horns and humped backs
  • Sandswimmers: Massive creatures that "swim" through sand, following predictable routes
  • Skallashi: Important beasts of burden, distinguished by long legs and ornate decorations. Owning one indicates prosperity.

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

These creatures help maintain Shurima's complex ecosystem while serving vital roles in trade, transportation and the region's culture.

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