League of Legends v0.8.21.110 Patch Notes and Champion Updates
Here's the optimized patch notes for V0.8.21.110:

Young Ryze champion portrait
New Features
- New skin: Human Ryze
- Enhanced Landing Page with new sounds
- Improved Buddy List Window
- Added more details to Beta login error messages
Champion Updates
- Pulverize stun duration increased to 1.5s (from 1s)
- Base stats increased across the board
- Rebirth armor scaling improved: -30/18/-6/6/18/30
- Flash Frost: AP ratio up to 0.5, range +200, slow duration 3s
- Crystallize: Width increased, range +100
- Glacial Storm: Improved AP ratio, reduced mana cost, increased break distance
- Feast now has flat values: 300/550/800 max HP consumption
- Health increased: 430 base (+76 per level)
- Powerball improvements: Toggle-off ability, instant cast, better acceleration
- Defensive Ball Curl: Added magic resist, increased damage return
- Tremors: Higher AP ratio, reduced mana cost
Item Changes
- Amplifying Tome: Cost reduced to 435
- Atma's Impaler: Now scales with max health
- Mejai's Soulstealer: AP bonus cap reduced to 70
Game Systems
Turrets & Inhibitors
- Base turret armor reduced by 5
- Anti-backdoor protection range increased to 1000
- Inhibitor respawn time reduced to 5 minutes
- Buff duration increased to 2.5 minutes
- Dragon: Higher health and gold reward, 5-minute respawn
- Baron Nashor: Rebalanced health scaling, buff duration increased to 4 minutes
Super Minions
- Increased HP scaling
- Added 30% movement speed aura (800 radius)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed memory leak in Rune Combiner
- Resolved chat room display issues
- Fixed multiple rune stacking issues
- Improved matchmaking system
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