League of Legends: Riven Champion Guide and Overview
Riven is a manaless melee champion in League of Legends, released in 2011. She excels as a skirmisher and top laner, known for her high mobility and combo-based playstyle.
Key Abilities:
- Passive (Runic Blade): Ability casts generate stacks that empower basic attacks to deal bonus physical damage
- Q (Broken Wings): Three-part dash attack that deals physical damage and can knock up enemies
- W (Ki Burst): AOE stun that deals physical damage to nearby enemies
- E (Valor): Short dash that grants a shield
- R (Blade of the Exile): Empowers abilities and allows Riven to cast Wind Slash, dealing execute damage
Combat Style:
- Excels at close-range combat with quick combos
- Relies on animation canceling for maximum damage output
- Strong duelist with good mobility and crowd control
- No mana costs but governed by cooldowns
Key Stats:
- Base Health: 630
- Health Growth: 100/level
- Base AD: 64
- AD Growth: 3/level
- Armor: 33
- Movement Speed: 340
Common Builds:
- Focuses on AD and ability haste items
- Core items typically include Goredrinker, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance
- Builds defensively with items like Guardian Angel and Sterak's Gage
Riven is considered a high-skill champion that rewards mastery of her animation canceling and combo mechanics while punishing positioning mistakes.
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