League of Legends Patch v0.9.25.34: Shaco and Heimerdinger Join the Battle
League of Legends Patch V0.9.25.34 introduced two new champions - Shaco and Heimerdinger - along with significant updates to the PvP.net client and in-game systems.
PvP.net Changes:
- New store system for purchasing champions, runes, skins, and boosts with RP/IP
- New first-time player experience with tutorial
- Updated champion select screen with mouseover info
- Improved end-game screen with XP/IP tracking
- New IP reward system based on game length and completion

Clown with dual blue daggers.
New Champion: Shaco
- Passive: Backstab deals 25% bonus damage from behind
- Q: Deceive allows stealth teleport with guaranteed crit
- W: Jack in the Box places stealthed fear traps
- E: Two-Shiv Poison applies poison debuff and can be thrown
- R: Hallucinate creates damaging clone illusion

Heimerdinger from League of Legends
New Champion: Heimerdinger
- Passive: Provides HP regen aura
- Q: Places upgradeable turrets
- W: Fires homing missiles
- E: Throws stunning/blinding grenade
- R: UPGRADE!!! enhances turrets with special effects
Major Champion Updates:
- Annie, Cho'Gath, Dr. Mundo, Fiddlesticks, Gangplank, and more received balance changes
- Several champions got animation and visual updates
Other Changes:
- Item balance adjustments, particularly to slowing effects
- Rune system rework
- Summoner spell tweaks
- Monster behavior improvements
- New winter map effects and music
- Various bug fixes and quality of life improvements
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