League of Legends patch v0.9.25.24: Nasus joins the fight, plus new items and tutorial
Here's the concise version of the v0.9.25.24 patch notes:

Jackal warrior with glowing staff
Key Updates:
- New champion: Nasus, the Curator of the Sands
- New items: Deathfire Grasp and The Brutalizer
- New Tutorial system
- New Announcer system
Champion Changes:
- Nasus added with abilities:
- Siphoning Strike (Q): Deals damage and stacks power on kills
- Wither (W): Slows target's movement and attack speed
- Spirit Fire (E): AoE damage and armor reduction
- Fury of the Sands (R): Gains health, attack speed, and drains enemy health
- Soul Eater (Passive): Natural lifesteal
Major Champion Updates:
- Anivia: Reduced damage and ability duration
- Annie: Increased AP ratios
- Blitzcrank: Faster Rocket Grab, Static Field no longer silences
- Corki: Reduced mana regen and ability damage
- Fiddlesticks: Reworked Dread, adjusted crowd control durations
New Features:
- Interactive Tutorial mode
- Improved announcer system with adjustable volume settings
- New alternate attack animations for select champions
- Auto-recall for disconnected players
- Enhanced pet controls
System Improvements:
- Turret mechanics updated
- HUD optimizations
- Shop interface improvements
- Performance and bandwidth optimizations
- Bug fixes and crash fixes
Hotfixes (October 5-6, 2009):
- Kayle: Fixed Righteous Fury damage calculation
- Fiddlesticks: Reduced Dread's magic resist reduction
- Sion: Adjusted Death's Caress timings
- Nasus: Reduced Fury of the Sands AP ratios
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