League of Legends: Kassadin Patch History Update Log
Here's a concise patch history for Kassadin in League of Legends focusing on key changes:
Latest Changes:
Null Sphere (Q)
- Fixed cooldown issue when cast on targets exiting vision
- No longer interrupts Sion's Unstoppable Onslaught
- Base shield increased to 80/110/140/170/200 (from 60/90/120/150/180)
- Shield AP ratio reduced to 30% (from 40%)
Force Pulse (E)
- AP ratio reduced to 70% (from 80%)
- Cooldown reduction reduced to 0.75s (from 1s)
- Base damage reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 (from 80/105/130/155/180)
- Cooldown increased to 21/20/19/18/17s (from 21/19/17/15/13s)
Riftwalk (R)
- AP ratio reduced to 50% (from 60%)
- Base damage reduced to 70/90/110 (from 80/100/120)
- Stack damage reduced to 35/45/55 per stack (from 40/50/60)
- Maximum damage reduced to 210/270/330 (from 240/300/360)
Core Stat Changes:
- Base health increased to 646 (from 576)
- Health growth increased to 119 (from 105)
- Armor growth increased to 4 (from 2.8)
- Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 (from 0.5)
Ability Rework Highlights:
- Void Stone now passively ignores unit collision
- Nether Blade provides bonus magic damage on-hit
- Force Pulse reworked to use cooldown reduction system instead of charge system
- Riftwalk mana costs and damage adjusted for better scaling
[Previous changes continue chronologically but have been condensed for clarity and relevance]
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