League of Legends - Jinx Champion Patch History
A comprehensive patch history for Jinx in League of Legends, tracking all balance changes and updates from release to present:
Stats Changes:
- Attack speed growth adjusted multiple times (currently 1.4%)
- Base health changes: 630 → 560 → 610 → 550 → 581 → 531 → 515
- Base armor adjusted from 28 to 26
- Base mana increased to 260 from 245
- Base attack damage increased to 59 from 57
Ability Changes:
Get Excited! (Passive)
- Now capped at 5 stacks
- Attack speed bonus increased to 25% from 15%
- Activates on epic monster takedowns
- Duration increased to 6 seconds
Switcheroo! (Q)
- Fishbones mana cost adjusted multiple times
- Attack range bonuses modified
- Attack speed reduction on Fishbones reduced to 10% from 25%
- Various bugfixes for Runaan's Hurricane interaction
Zap! (W)
- Cooldown reduced to 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
- Slow increased to 40-80%
- Mana cost reduced
- Cast time scales with attack speed
Flame Chompers! (E)
- Cast range increased to 925
- Arm time reduced to 0.5 seconds
- Now deals instant damage
- Cooldown reduced at higher ranks
Super Mega Death Rocket! (R)
- Cooldown adjusted multiple times
- Base damage increased
- Added damage cap against monsters
- AD ratios modified
These changes reflect Riot's efforts to balance Jinx while maintaining her identity as a hypercarry marksman who excels at cleanup fights and objective taking.
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