League of Legends: Comprehensive Champion Guide to Quinn and Valor
Shuriman Desert Wildlife
The Shuriman desert hosts a diverse array of unique creatures adapted to its harsh environment:
Brackern Ancient crystalline scorpions native to Shurima that dwell in clans throughout the desert.
Dormun Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build permanent settlements on their backs.
Mwatis Goat-like creatures with plated head casques. Their wool and plates are valued for insulation and felting.
Outerbeasts Void creatures that plague the desert, including the Xer'Sai. Most are dog-sized but their queen Rek'Sai is considerably larger. They burrow underground and ambush prey.
Ralsiji Large, aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.
Shuriman Camels Primary transportation for desert travelers, though vulnerable to predators like Xer'Sai.
Sandswimmers Massive creatures with narrow bodies and webbed feet adapted for "swimming" through sand. They follow predictable migration patterns.
Skallashi Large quadrupedal herbivores with distinctive long legs. Though ill-tempered, they are valued as beasts of burden and treated with reverence. Their horns are often decorated with protective charms.
This diverse ecosystem has evolved unique adaptations for survival in the harsh desert environment. Many species serve important roles for the desert's human inhabitants, whether as transportation, resources, or threats to be avoided.

Quinn aiming crossbow in battle stance
Quinn Champion Overview
Quinn is a specialist marksman champion in League of Legends who works in tandem with her azurite eagle companion, Valor. Her key abilities include:
Harrier (Passive)
- Valor marks targets as Vulnerable, dealing bonus physical damage when Quinn attacks them
- Automatically marks new targets when no mark exists
Blinding Assault (Q)
- Sends Valor to damage and nearsight enemy champions
- Disarms non-champion targets
Heightened Senses (W)
- Passively grants attack speed and movement speed when attacking marked targets
- Actively reveals the surrounding area and enemy champions
Vault (E)
- Quinn dashes to an enemy, marks them as Vulnerable and knocks them back
- She then leaps away from the target
Behind Enemy Lines (R)
- Quinn channels to have Valor carry her, gaining movement speed
- Can be ended with Skystrike to rain arrows and mark enemies as Vulnerable
Quinn excels at scouting, dueling, and roaming across the map. Her partnership with Valor provides unique tactical options through target marking and mobility.
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