League of Legends Official Champion: Talon
Talon is an agile assassin champion in League of Legends who excels at quickly eliminating priority targets. Here's an overview of his key characteristics and abilities:
Core Attributes:
- Melee assassin who uses mana
- Primarily played in mid lane or jungle
- Released in 2011
- Costs 3150 BE or 790 RP
Key Abilities:
Blade's End (Passive)
- Abilities apply Wound stacks to enemies (up to 3)
- Basic attacks against fully stacked targets cause bleeding damage
- Deals increased damage to monsters
Noxian Diplomacy (Q)
- Dashes to target enemy dealing physical damage
- Critical strike bonus at close range
- Heals when killing units
- Resets basic attack timer
Rake (W)
- Throws blades in a cone that return to Talon
- Deals damage and slows enemies hit by returning blades
- Primary waveclear ability
Assassin's Path (E)
- Vaults over terrain and structures
- Movement speed scales with Talon's speed
- Each wall has individual cooldown
Shadow Assault (R)
- Disperses ring of blades and grants invisibility
- Blades converge when stealth breaks
- Can redirect blades to attack target
- Provides movement speed boost
- Excels at roaming and quick assassinations
- Strong early-mid game power
- Relies on terrain mobility for map pressure
- Focuses on eliminating priority targets

Talon, hooded assassin from League
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