Malphite Champion Guide: Best Tank for Climbing Low ELO
Malphite is a straightforward tank champion who excels in the top lane, particularly against AD-heavy team compositions. His simple kit and high durability make him an excellent choice for beginners and lower ELO players.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional tankiness
- Strong against AD champions
- Simple to learn and execute
- Game-changing ultimate ability
- Scales well with armor
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable to AP damage
- Not recommended for blind pick
- Mana-dependent early game
- Limited mobility pre-6
Ability Order Flexibility
Against Ranged Champions (Teemo, Quinn, Gnar):
- Max Q first for poke and gap closing
Against Melee Auto-Attackers (Irelia, Jax):
- Max E first for attack speed reduction
Against Melee Casters (Riven, Renekton):
- Max W first for enhanced durability
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions (vs heavy AD)
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Thornmail
- Frozen Heart
Situational Items:
- Force of Nature (vs AP)
- Warmog's Armor
- Randuin's Omen
Key Tips:
- Focus on farming safely early game
- Build armor against AD-heavy teams
- Use ultimate for team fight initiation
- Coordinate ganks with your jungler post-6
- Save E for enemy all-in attempts
- Manage mana carefully in lane
Remember to adapt your build and skill order based on the enemy team composition and lane matchup. Malphite's strength lies in his ability to counter AD champions and provide reliable team fight initiation.
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