League of Legends: Complete Irelia Champion History & Evolution
Irelia's ability kit and combat style have evolved significantly throughout League of Legends' history. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of her original abilities and mechanics:
Ionian Fervor (Passive)
- Grants tenacity based on nearby champion numbers:
- No advantage: 0% tenacity
- Even fight: 10% tenacity
- Outnumbered: 25-40% tenacity (scales with level)
- Stacks multiplicatively with other tenacity sources
- Doesn't affect displacements or suppressions
Bladesurge (Q)
- Dash ability targeting enemies
- Deals physical damage and applies on-hit effects
- Resets cooldown and refunds 35 mana if it kills target
- Can cross walls if landing space exists
- Damage applies upon reaching target
Hiten Style (W)
- Passive: Basic attacks provide healing
- Active: Adds true damage and doubles healing for 6 seconds
- Works on structures (healing only, not true damage)
- No cast time, doesn't interrupt movement
Equilibrium Strike (E)
- Deals magic damage to target enemy
- Applies 60% slow
- Stuns instead if Irelia's health % is lower than target's
- Has cast time, interrupts movement
Transcendent Blades (Ultimate)
- Fires 4 spirit blades in line
- Each blade:
- Deals physical damage
- Heals for 25% of champion damage
- Heals for 10% of minion/monster damage
- 10-second window to use all blades
- No cast time, can move while using
Previous splash arts showcased various visual interpretations of Irelia, from her classic warrior appearance to themed skins like Nightblade, Aviator, Infiltrator, Frostblade, and Order of the Lotus.
The champion's voice lines emphasized themes of justice, precision, and Ionian pride, reflecting her role as a determined warrior fighting for her homeland.
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